Empathy's Family

our founders

Eric Gonzalez-Payne

Eric G. P


Empathy's Family



Ms. Yudi
School National Principal
Mr. Adi
Design & Technology Teacher
Ms. Audry
Academic Coordinator

We would like to proudly introduce our team, the co-creators making the school a magical place where our children thrive. They went through highly selective interviews and hundreds of hours of training. Working at Empathy requires an open heart and adaptability to learn and grow – they must always step out of their comfort zones (teaching in nature instead of cement buildings), adapting to new teaching methods, exploring new subjects, expanding one’s heart to embrace and celebrate difference and being the life model to love.



Mr. Nico
Operational Manager
Ms. Rama
HR Coordinator
Ms. Sylvia
Finance & Accountant
Ms. Kinanty
Marketing Coordinator
Mr. Roby
Primary Homeroom Teacher
Ms. Nana
Primary Homeroom Teacher
Ms. Eka Andreani
Primary Homeroom Teacher
Ms. Anis
Primary Homeroom Teacher
Ms. Tia
Primary Homeroom Teacher Indonesian Studies Teacher
Ms. Mila
Early Years Teacher
Ms. Rara
Early Years Teacher
Ms. Echa
Early Years Teacher
Ms. Vanessa
Early Years Teacher
Ms. Ovi
Early Years Teacher
Ms. Karin
Early Years Teacher
Ms. Dee
Early Years Teacher
Ms. Cintia
Assistant Teacher
Ms. Tulan
Assistant Teacher
Mr. Driver
EMS Special Skill Instructor
Ms. Nina
EMS Social Science Teacher
Ms. Eka Syari
EMS Science Teacher
Ms. Novi
Art Teacher
Mr. Komang
Art Teacher
Mr. Keke
Art Teacher
Mr. Wayan
Clay & Balinese Culture Teacher
Mr. Suta
Science & STEAM Teacher
Ms. Ayu
Math Teacher STEAM Coordinator
Mr. Bagus
PE & Movement Teacher
Mr. Nathan
Native English Speaker
Ms. Briyana
Native English Speaker
Ms. Amel
Social Media Specialist
Mr. Alberto
Creative Media Staff
Mr. Antonio
Communication Staff
Ms. Yanti
Admission Staff
Ms. Ayu
School Administrator
Ms. Arika
Finance Admin
Mr. Rizqi
Maintenance & GA Staff
Ms. Dyah
Purchasing Staff
Pak Mudita
Kitchen Leader
Ibu Made
Ibu Putu
Ibu Kadek
Cook Helper
Ibu Arik
Cook Helper
Ibu Dhepi
Cleaning Lady
Ibu Deknik
Cleaning Lady
Ibu Wayan
Cleaning Lady
Ibu Arik
Cleaning Lady
Ibu Putu
Hair Health Specialist
Pak Wayan
Pak Made Grass
Pak Kacung
Pak Lunga
Construction Artist
Pak Koming
Construction Artist
Pak Bentet
Construction Artist
Pak Nyoman
Mr. Kuwi
Mr. Kadek

Professional Development

Learning is a never-ending process. Professional development is about lifelong learning and growing as an educator. There is always more to learn and new skills to attain. We are committed among teachers to shape the learning and development culture in our school. We work together as a learning community to support each other’s professional and personal growth. We provide teacher’s opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills, take new responsibilities and share their own expertise among others. Our hope is that our teachers will one day change how education is done in Indonesia.

Personal Growth: Morning Meeting

Teacher training is a continuous, never-ending process that promotes teachers' teaching skills, master novel knowledge to develop better or newer proficiency, which in return assists in improving students' learning. At Empathy School, teacher training is given by many exceptional experts in their field. The output is teachers with solid and profound in Non-Violence Communication and Social-Emotional Learning.

Teacher Training

Learning is a never-ending process. Professional development is about lifelong learning and growing as an educator. There is always more to learn and new skills to attain. We are committed among teachers to shape the learning and development culture in our school. We work together as a learning community to support each other's professional and personal growth. We provide teacher’s opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills, take new responsibilities and share their own expertise among others. Our hope is that our teachers will one day change how education is done in Indonesia.

Team Building

Empathy School always held team-building outside our place to build a robust form of teamwork and build trust within each other. Team-building holds utmost significance in paving the way to the success of an organization. It is essential because it promotes collaboration, and establishing our community is apparent.

meet the team

Powered by our people

Brand & Creative Specialist
Social Media Strategy
Production team lead
Influencer program manager