
At Empathy, one of our goals is that our students are learning academics at a deep and holistic level. Empathy School was developed at Harvard by Eric GP and Echo Xui with the assistance of many professional educators and professors. Every aspect of the school from lesson plans to landscape architecture is based on the science of how students learn. We do select aspects of Montessori, Emilio Regio, Waldorf Steine to support our academic programs. We utilize Non-Violent Communication to support our Social Emotional Learning programs because we believe the most important requirement for a student to learn is that they feel physically and emotionally safe within a school setting. In addition, we create much of our own curriculum based on current science.


The document below describes what kids learn in each of our classes. For a more robust understanding of how academics are done overall please see Empathy School – Academics

Early Years/Preschool (Ages ~2 – 3)

Hands on learning method for this age group where it enhances their senses, they will learn how to socialize and learn from the environment around them . spotting their own errors through feedback on materials and self-correction guided by Montessori-nature curriculum.

  • sensory
  • social skill
  • Life Skill
  • Nature Emersion
  • Cultural

Nursery (Ages 3 – 4)

Lessons have a greater focus on academics, math and reading sourced from Montessori-nature curriculum, Both use as many elements from nature as possible. where every child will have his\her own individual lesson plan while they can choose their work with the teacher following their learning pace

  • Nature Immersion
  • Learning to rea
  • Early Math
  • Early Science
  • Cultural
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Music
  • Art and Crafts

Kindergarten (Ages 5-6)

For many kids, kindergarten is a year to feel “big.” We have a mixed age group where older children can guide the younger ones and the younger ones can learn from the older kids . Lessons have a greater focus on academics, math and reading sourced from Montessori, Both use as many elements from nature as possible.

  • Nature Immersion
  • Learning to read
  • Early Math
  • Early Science
  • Cultural
  • Music
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Art and Crafts

In Primary, your child will learn rapidly with peers of similar ability and enjoy every moment of it. Children can progress very rapidly though our levels.

  • Math, reading and writing becomes more abstract and use lessons have a greater focus on academics, maths are sourced from Montessori, reading and writing from our partner schools in the USA.