Empathy Primary
International School

Primary (Ages 6-11)

Empathy Primary International School offers a Comprehensive curriculum focused on holistic student development: Our curriculum aims to nurture the overall growth of students, encompassing their academic, social, emotional well-being and artistic expression.

Academic subjects strive to adhere to international standards, ensuring consistency and quality in education worldwide using the Cambridge curriculum.

Project-Based Learning

Engaging students in hands-on projects that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills through real-world applications.

S.T.E.A.M Education

Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics disciplines to provide interdisciplinary learning experiences that foster creativity, innovation, and practical skills.

Cambridge Curriculum

Following the globally recognized Cambridge curriculum with Science , English and Math, which ensures a well-rounded education and prepares students for further academic pursuits.

Nature Immersion

Embracing the natural environment of Indonesia by incorporating nature-based learning experiences, fostering an appreciation for the environment and sustainability.

Through this immersive, hands-on approach, students will forge an unbreakable connection to the earth’s precious resources. Cultivating a generation of eco-champions, this transformative curriculum equips young minds with the knowledge and passion to tackle society’s most pressing environmental challenges. As students explore Indonesia’s untamed ecosystems, they will unlock a boundless sense of wonder and stewardship – key drivers behind creating a more sustainable future.

This pioneering, one-of-a-kind educational model empowers students to emerge as influential green leaders, poised to protect our planet for generations to come.

Social & Emotional Learning

Prioritizing the development of students’ social and emotional well-being through activities and lessons that enhance self-awareness, empathy, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Balinese Culture Integration

Celebrating and integrating Balinese culture, including traditions, arts, music, and dance, into our curriculum to foster cultural understanding and appreciation.

Sustainable Living Emphasis

Highlighting sustainable living practices, environmental stewardship, and educating students about eco-friendly initiatives, conservation, and responsible consumption.

Yoga & World Dance

Offering yoga and world dance classes to promote physical fitness, mindfulness, and cultural diversity.

Indonesian Studies

Providing a comprehensive program to deepen students’ understanding of Indonesian history, language, and culture.

Artistic Expression

Allowing students to explore various artistic mediums such as wood carving, painting, ceramics, and metallurgy, encouraging creativity and self-expression.


Promoting physical fitness and sportsmanship through a range of athletic activities to develop motor skills and teamwork abilities.

Robotics & Computer Programming

Integrating robotics and computer programming into the curriculum to enhance problem-solving skills and technological literacy.

Animal Empathy

Encouraging students to develop empathy and compassion towards animals through education on animal welfare and engaging in activities that promote responsible pet ownership.

Community Service (Design for Change Program)

Instilling a sense of social responsibility by empowering students to identify community issues and create projects that make a positive impact locally and globally.

Diverse & Inclusive Community

Fostering an environment that embraces diversity, ensuring a sense of belonging, and promoting empathy, creativity, and a shared commitment to positive change.

Social Emotional Learning

The studies are clear, the higher the Social Emotional Learning qualities are in a school, the higher the academic and holistic results are.

Research shows that strong SEL foundations are highly correlated with higher academic achievement for students (increased self-efficacy, persistence, and test scores) better behavior in school, better ability to make friends, and an increase willingness to take on new tasks (with increased recognition of fear-responses and the ability to overcome and transform them into curious responses.

A comprehensive literature review revealed large-scale experimental studies showing that strong SEL skills lead to better career progression, better social, behavioral, and mental health outcomes, positive work and family relationships, reduced criminal behavior, and citizen engagement. “Social, emotional, and cognitive capabilities are fundamentally intertwined.”

“…genuinely effective schools—those that prepare students not only to pass tests at school but also to pass the tests of life—are finding that social-emotional competence and academic achievement are interwoven and that integrated, coordinated instruction in both areas maximizes students’ potential to succeed in school and throughout their lives."