Our featured SEL teacher that teaches Social Emotional Learning for our school & community.

His name full name is Nopamber Roby; our school family usually calls him Mr. Roby. He is our kind and passionate Social-emotional learning teacher.
As this month remarked on his ten-month journey with us, he has been making wonderful contributions to our school and the community. As a teacher, he knows what he is doing – teaching non-power-over techniques for his students, from the right and open-minded questions to resolving conflict as part of non-violent communication whenever he faces conflicts in his class. If the kids are sad or having emotional problems, he is all there to listen.
Besides helping our students, he also facilitated teachers and school staff to discuss emotions, boundaries, empathy – all of that non-violence communication approach to acknowledge them to listen, empathize and position themselves like others without judging.
Along with his personal avid learning SEL experience, he also held our new initiatives project called Empathy School Nanny Training. In his #BeTheChange mindset, these brilliant ideas are crucial and out-of-the-box, as he is aware of education, especially for nannies who never had such experience raising children.
His favorite quote is “An uninstructed person will lay the fault of his own bad condition upon others. Someone just starting instruction will lay the fault on himself. Some who is perfectly instructed will place blame neither on others nor on himself.” —Epictetus. Which always reminds him never to stop trying without being afraid to make mistakes and blame himself or others.
Align with his sophisticated beliefs and experience, soon; he would like to develop, share, and implement the NVC and SEL programs in many schools in Indonesia.
Nanny Training Program
He also held our new initiatives project called Empathy School Nanny Training.
For more information about the nanny program, please inquire directly with us via contact page.